Our Fees

After your initial consultation or regular examination all patients are provided with an itemised treatment plan and associated costs if further treatment is necessary. If during your treatment this plan changes, you will be informed and a new estimate will be given.

There are 3 different NHS fees dependant on which “band “your treatment falls into. These bands are £26.80, £73.50, £319.10

Membership discount applied to private dental work.



Item Pay as you go
New patient exam £69.00
PAYG exam £59.00
Radiographs (each) £19.00
Scale and polish (at exam appt) £29.00
New patient emergency £105.00
Existing patient emergency £69.00
Prescription £39.00
20 minutes £59.00
30 minutes £85.00
40 minutes £115.00
Simple/Additional (patch) £55.00
Temporary filling £55.00
Composite from £115.00
Amalgam from £115.00
Complex fillings from £155.00
Porcelain bonded crown £745.00
All ceramic / Zirconia crown £715.00
Core build up £125.00
Recement Crown / Bridge £69.00
Porcelain bonded bridge from £485.00
Maryland per unit from £525.00
Maryland per wing from £149.00
Denture repair £85.00
Denture addition £189.00
Full (single arch) £685.00
Full (upper and lower) £859.00
Full Chrome Cobalt (single arch) £1109.00
Partial acrylic from £449.00
Partial chrome from £929.00
Phillips Zoom £479.00
Boutique whitening £379.00
Single syringes £35.00
Inlay/Onlay £525.00
XLA £119.00
LSS £105.00
Sports mouth guard £99.00
Essix retainer (per arch) £155.00